2025-02-14 中鹏新电气开工大吉,恭贺新禧!
敬爱的客户朋友们: 今天是正月初九,值此新春佳节之际,中鹏新电气全体员工怀着感恩的心情,向您致以最诚挚的新春祝福和衷心的感谢!感谢您一直以来对我司的信任与支持,正是因为有您的陪伴与鼓励,中鹏新电气才能在过去的岁月中不断成长与进步,全体员工得以安居乐业,这份感激之情难以言表。 新的一年…… [View details]Views:322022-10-11 Analysis on Development Space and Trend of High and Low Voltage Distribution Cabinet
The transformer industry in China started much later than that in developed countries. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the development of the transformer industry in China was very slow, the production capacity of enterprises was insufficient, and domestic demand needed to be solved…… [View details]Views:40202022-10-10 Application of new technologies such as intelligence, field bus and simulation in low-voltage electrical apparatus industry
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